viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2007

HUMOR: El Rugby en la Prehistoria

Un descubrimiento reciente de pinturas rupestres en Aquitania casi estremece el mundo deportivo y la Federación Internacional de Rugby: Rugby no habría nacido en el siglo 19 en la ciudad de Rugby (Inglaterra) sino en Francia, hace 17000 años.

¡Estos Franceses son unos cachondos¡

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...


By Spanish artist Daniel Sanchez Verdejo. The site contains a unique and highly personalized collection of around 1,000 prehistoric cave images from all five continents, with a particular emphasis on Southern Europe and Africa. The collection includes representations of men and animals in all aspects of their daily lives: at war, hunting, erotic and religious images, and symbols of nature.

Verdejo makes use of three vivid colours (red, yellow and black) to display the images - indicative, he says, of the most commonly used colours in the prehistoric world: red-ochre, yellow-ochre and coal (black). The site includes accompanying information, an extensive list of links relating to prehistoric art worldwide, and works by the artist himself. In English and Spanish.

"Prehistoric art is a latent world yet to be discovered ... [This site is] dedicated to the anonymous author of Prehistory."